The best FIX tool for your connectivity team to debug FIX sessions

ETP FIX Session Manager is a powerful but simple-to-use tool to debug FIX sessions in real-time, with data from log files.

When you are hard-pressed to debug issues with your clients' FIX sessions, you want a tool that lets you grab FIX strings from many places like log files and templates, and send them down your sessions to check for issues and debug problems. ETP FIX Session Manager gives you exactly that.

Open multiple live FIX sessions to your FIX gateway and send FIX strings easily, including pasting raw data from log files. Change business tags manually and let ETP FIX Session Manager session tags automatically, like sequence numbers and checksums. Send messages multiple times, enrich messages and apply message templates in real-time value. Decode FIX strings to structured messages, add custom tags on the fly, wait for responses, compare messages, and much more.

ETP FIX Session Manager is the perfect toolbox for busy connectivity teams that want to make sure their clients' connections are also functioning properly and meeting their SLA.

  • Copy/paste FIX message strings from any source.
  • Real-time value substitution and auto refresh for session tags.
  • Support for variables and functions for message values.
  • Synchronized, paced, and replaying multiplier.
  • Add custom tags on-the-fly before sending messages.
  • Message comparison and export to PDF, MS Excel, text, or raw.
  • Support for automated message enrichment and message templates.
  • and many more features...

Esprow ETP - Studio for FIX - Session Manager
FIX Session Manager

For more information on ETP FIX Session Manager please contact .

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FIX Exchange Simulator

All the power of your own FIX exchange running on your PC. Carry our interactive testing sessions with your clients; receive their orders, accept them or reject them; respond with malformed responses or unknown FIX tags for truly low-level API testing.


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