Central Repository for Regression Testing Results

ETP R-Box is a centralized repository to upload, browse, and share results of regression testing.

Esprow's ETP suite of applications is comprehensive toolset to automate and execute regression testing. With ETP R-Box, users can choose to have the results of their testing to be uploaded to ETP R-Box central database, from where they can be browsed, shared, and exported. ETP R-Box is the perfect choice to centralize test results generated by both ETP applications like ETP Studio, and proprietary systems. Through a powerful REST API, users can connect their testing frameworks to ETP R-Box and upload other test results. ETP R-Box also helps to fulfill stringent compliance requirements by offering an easy way to export test results of critical financial systems.

Users & Groups

ETP R-Box supports centralized user management, including groups and permission profiles. Different QA teams can control their database of test results, while administrators can configure special read-only mode for auditors and compliance officers.

ETP R-Box login page

Fine-Grained Reports

Test results are stored as JSON files and can be viewed at a high level or drilled down to the individual test commands. Users can see failure errors, connectivity information, and pass/fail statuses.

ETP R-Box test iteration summary visual log

Reporting Database

Historical datasets are stored according to data-retention policies. Result can be filtered and explored individually. Detailed data for each test set is stored, including list of tests, iterations for each test, and test details.

ETP R-Box test set summary

Test Summaries

Since each test is data driven, a single test may run hundreds of times, while driven from an XL, CSV, of database query. All test iterations are associated with a specific test run, stored in the database and results can be drilled down to discover more details.

ETP R-Box iteration summary

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ETP Studio for FIX

Discover the financial industry's standard for automated testing of FIX applications. Wheter you are a software developer or a QA analyst find out how ETP Studio for FIX offers you the tools you need to get the job done. Quickly and easily.


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